The New Mexico PFAS Blood Testing Project is an inter-agency public health project between the New Mexico Department of Health (NMHealth), the New Mexico Environment Department (NMED), and the New Mexico Department of Veteran Services (NMDVS).

This project will provide insights on PFAS levels in the blood of selected New Mexico residents in an area of known PFAS groundwater contamination. The results from this project will allow NMHealth to identify potential interventions to reduce PFAS exposure and therefore improve public health, while also providing an important public health service to the community. The project will allow NMED to evaluate exposure pathways and implement effective remedial efforts to eliminate future exposure risks. NMDVS advised on strategies for encouraging veterans to participate given the military presence in the project location.

Project Details

PFAS blood testing has concluded at this time. If you participated in the project during one of the three blood testing events held in September, October, and November 2024 you should expect to receive your test results between February and March of 2025. For questions please email

The project focus area lies within Curry County, southwest of the city of Clovis.

For more information click on the following links:

Talking to your doctor about exposure to PFAS

PFAS Information for Clinicians

Guidance of PFAS Exposure, Testing, and Clinical Follow up

How to reduce your exposure to PFAS

Como hablar con su medico sobre la exposicion a PFAS

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