Pages/Posts with Images

Air Quality Bureau

My Air Quality
Windblown Dust

Ground Water Quality Bureau

Permitting and Public Notice Process FAQs

Solid Waste Bureau

Contact Us

Surface Water Quality Bureau

Surface Water Quality Bureau
CWA 50th Anniversary
ArcGIS StoryMaps
Surface Water Quality State Permitting Program
Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs)

Drinking Water Bureau

Water Infrastructure Projects and Funding
Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR)
LCRR Inventory and Replacement Plan Submittals 
LCRR Service Line Material Types
LCRR Templates and Documents
CERTEMY Step-by-Step Instructions

Petroleum Storage Tank Bureau

Successes: Cleanup And Redevelopment


James C. Kenney
Tribal Liaison
Maddy Hayden
Sandra Ely


PFAS in New Mexico
PFAS and New Mexico's Public Drinking Water Systems
Emerging Contaminants in Small or Disadvantaged Communities Program (EC-SDC)

Environmental Improvement

This is rapid response content
This is rapid response content

New Mexico Produced Water

Public Participation

Office of Public Facilitation

Testing, 123

Cannabis and Hemp Bureau

Cannabis and Hemp Bureau

Climate Change Bureau


New Mexico Climate Change Action

Climate Strategies in Action
Climate Strategy Reports
New Mexico Climate Change Action
Who We Are
Climate Pollution Reduction Grant
Climate Adaptation and Resilience Plan

Former Uranium Mines and Mills

Ambrosia Lake Disposal Site Review
Mt. Taylor Mine Site Review
Section 12 Mine Site Review
Shiprock (Navajo) Mill Site
Ambrosia Lake West Mill Site Review
Bluewater Mill Site Review
Bokum Mill Site Review
Church Rock Mine Site Review
Church Rock Mine Site Review
Homestake Mill Site Review
JJ No. 1 Mine Site Review
L-Bar Mill Site Review
Rio Algom Mines Site Review
Section 27 Mine Site Review
St. Anthony Mine Site Review