Maps and Data


NMED Districts and OfficesThis web app is hosted on ArcGIS Online and shows where NMED field and district offices are located. Also includes office hours, address, and phone numbers.
OpenEnviroMap The OpenEnviroMap displays NMED GIS data. GIS layers may be turned on and off as needed.
NMED at LANL DashboardThis Dashboard highlights NMED regulatory activities in the vicinity of Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Formerly Operating Uranium Mines and Mills Sites in NMThis dashboard provides information on legacy uranium mine and mill operations. The dashboard will be updated regularly as new information on each site is received by NMED.
Air Permit MapThis map app shows all NMED Permitted Air Facilities and links to printable facility reports and downloadable documents. Permits may be viewed as a list or features on the map.
Air Quality Map This map displays Air Quality monitoring sites throughout the state. A variety of data reports may be downloaded for the air monitoring station results.
Upcoming prescribed firesThis is a link to a tracking system for burn permits. Information includes burn dates, fuels, burn conditions, monitoring, acreage, etc., from the NMED Smoke Management System.
Petroleum Storage Tank Facilities, Releases, and Reports (GoNM)OpenEnviroMap with all Petroleum Storage Tank facility data by priority and score. Features link to Resource Space for review and download of site documents.
Petroleum Storage Tank Facilities and Release Sites At a Glance (Dashboard)This dashboard is hosted on ArcGIS Online and tracks Petroleum Storage Tank releases, facilities, and tanks across the state. The data may be filtered by counties or legislative district. Data updates automatically on a weekly schedule.
Find Your Petroleum Tank InspectorThis map application is hosted on ArcGIS Online and shows petroleum tank inspector districts and inspector contact information.
Source Water Protection AtlasTool for aiding Public Water System managers in creating Source Water Protection Plans to respond to emergencies and changing conditions.
Liquid Waste Compliance Map OpenEnviroMap with man camps in Eddy County, includes links Documents, pictures on ResourceSpace. Data dated 2019.
Methane MapOpenEnviroMap with links to 2019 and 2020 EPA flyover video’s taken with Forward Looking Infrared (FLIR) Camera.
Interactive Wetlands MapTool to use in planning and management of wetlands in New Mexico. Includes wetland mapping and classification as well as links to NM Wetland Management Action Plans.
Surface Water Quality MapOpenEnviroMap with Assessed Surface waters; streams, springs and lakes and well as water quality monitoring stations.
Infrastructure Project LocatorThis web map is hosted on ArcGIS Online and displays Loans and grants and projects managed by the NMED Construction Programs Bureau.
Emergency Response Information for Public Water Systems in New MexicoThis story map is hosted on ArcGIS Online and has emergency response information for public water utilities in New Mexico and resources to help prepare, plan and mitigate impacts related to emergencies such as drought or flooding.


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