The Ground Water Pollution Prevention Section (GWPPS) reviews and approves ground water Discharge Permits for discharges that have the potential to impact ground water quality pursuant to Subparts III and V of the Water Quality Control Commission (WQCC) regulations (20.6.2 NMAC). Ground water Discharge Permits address a wide variety of discharges including:
- Domestic wastewater facilities
- Large capacity septic tank leachfields
- Reclaimed wastewater reuse
- Power generating plants
- Commercial laundries (when not served by sanitary sewers)
- Commercial land farms for treatment of contaminated soil
- Industrial discharges
- Ground Water remediation systems
A Discharge Permit application for PPS sites can be found here. Discharge Permits for dairies and non-dairy agricultural facilities, such as cheese plants and chile processors, are managed by the Agriculture Compliance Section. To access dairy specific forms, please visit the Agricultural Compliance Section
Spill Reporting
This program also addresses unauthorized discharges, such as spills, for facilities that it regulates. Please review NMAC for instructions on how to proceed with notifying the Pollution Prevention Section if you have a spill.
Fact Sheets for Federal Facilities
The department will prepare a fact sheet for every draft permit for a discharge at a federal facility, except for discharges at federal facilities which are comprised solely of domestic liquid waste.
DP-1132 Radioactive Liquid Waste Treatment Facility Fact Sheet
DP-1446 Holloman Air Force Base, FT-31 Petroleum Contaminated Soil Land Farm Fact Sheet
DP-1132 Instalación de Tratamiento de Residuos Líquidos Radiactivos hoja de datos
Current List of Discharge Permits
Updated June 29, 2023
Permits are issued for 5 year terms and must be renewed to provide continuous coverage. This list (PDF or Excel) will be updated regularly as more permits are finalized. Currently the PPS manages approximately 420 active permits.
Contact Info
For questions regarding PPS, please email or call 505-827-2900