NMED works alongside the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to:

There are currently 14 listed Superfund sites and 5 deleted sites in New Mexico which are in various stages of investigation and remediation and post-remediation monitoring. For question regarding SOS, please email sos.general@env.nm.gov or call 505-827-2900.

The Jackpile-Paguate Uranium Mine Superfund site is under the regulatory authority of Laguna Pueblo and the U.S. EPA and not regulated by the State of New Mexico.

AT&SF Albuquerque NPLBernalillo
AT&SF ClovisDeleted from NPL, Site repository requires continued five-year reviewsCurry
Cal West Metals USSBADeleted from NPL, Site repository requires continued five-year reviewsSocorro
Chevron Questa Mine (f.k.a. Molycorp)NPLTaos
Cimarron Mining Corp.Deleted from NPL, Site repository requires continued five-year reviewsLincoln
Cleveland MillDeleted from NPL, Site repository requires continued five-year reviewsGrant
Eagle Picher Carefree BatteriesNPLSocorro
Fruit Avenue PlumeNPLBernalillo
Grants Chlorinated Solvents PlumeNPLCibola
Griggs & Walnut Ground Water PlumeNPLDoña Ana
Homestake Mining Co.NPLCibola
Lee Acres LandfillNPLSan Juan
Lee and West SecondNPLChaves
McGaffey & Main Ground Water PlumeNPLChaves
North Railroad Avenue PlumeNPLRio Arriba
Pagano SalvageDeleted from NPLValencia
Prewitt Abandoned RefineryNPLMcKinley
South ValleyNPLBernalillo
United Nuclear Corp.NPLMcKinley

Contact us

Phone Number: 505-827-2900
E: gwqb.general@state.nm.us

A list of Bureau staff contacts is available here.

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