This listing is not necessarily comprehensive depending upon the specifics of your facility. Additional permits or registrations may be needed. Please contact NMED staff for further information.
All applications, forms and guidance are available on the NMED Forms page.
Machine Shop
- Underground Storage Tank or Above Ground Storage Tank Registration
- Medical Waste Processor Solid Waste Processing Facility Permit
- Operator Certification
Metal Mining (Ore Mining & Dressing) Facilities
Military Base
- Underground Storage Tank or Above Ground Storage Tank Registration
- Air Quality Permit
Natural Gas Compressor Station
- Air Quality Permit
- Underground Storage Tank or Above Ground Storage Tank Registration
Non-Metallic Mineral Mining & Dressing
Oil & Gas Extraction
Optical Goods
Paper & Allied Products
Pest Control
Pesticide Manufacturer
Petroleum Products Processor
Petroleum Storage Tanks (Installer; Service/Repair Provider)
- Underground Storage Tank or Above Ground Storage Tank Registration
- Installer/Junior Installer Certification
- Air Quality Permit
Photographic Goods
Pipeline Operator
Portland Cement Plant
Power Plant
- Underground Storage Tank or Above Ground Storage Tank Registration
- Air Quality Permit
Primary Metals
Printing & Publishing
- Underground Storage Tank or Above Ground Storage Tank Registration
- Air Quality Permit