Past Project Activity Updates:
November 2017
- Continue extraction from 3 of the 4 extraction wells at an average rate of 480 gpm.
- Continued construction of conveyance pipeline to connect the 4th groundwater extraction well to the GWTS.
- Continue construction for pre-treatment sand filters at the GWTS.
- Treated effluent water is meeting drinking water standards and is being discharged to both the KAFB Golf Course and via gravity-fed injection at KAFB-7.
- Complete Phase I of the In Situ Bioremediation Pilot Test.
October 2017
- Continue extraction from 3 of the 4 extraction wells at an average rate of 480 gpm.
- Continued construction of conveyance pipeline to connect the 4th groundwater extraction well to the GWTS; final conveyance design documents submitted to NMED on September 21, 2017.
- Continue construction for pre-treatment sand filters at the GWTS.
- Treated effluent water is meeting drinking water standards and is being discharged to both the KAFB Golf Course and via gravity-fed injection at KAFB-7.
- Begin Phase I of the In Situ Bioremediation Pilot Test. Note: Baseline testing was completed the week of September 25, 2017.
September 2017
- Continue extraction from 3 of the 4 extraction wells at an average rate of 460 gpm.
- Begin construction of conveyance pipeline to connect the 4th groundwater extraction well to the GWTS; final conveyance design documents submitted to NMED in August 2017.
- Continue construction for pre-treatment sand filters at the GWTS.
- Treated effluent water is meeting drinking water standards and is being discharged to both the KAFB Golf Course and via gravity-fed injection at KAFB-7.
- Complete baseline sampling and begin Phase I of the In Situ Bioremediation Pilot Test. Note: Start of baseline testing delayed due to sample pump failure. The Air Force’s contractor continues to work with pump manufacturer to address pump failures.
- NMED and Air Force joint public meeting on September 28, 2017 to present the Risk Assessment Report submitted by the Air Force in July 2017.
August 2017
- Continue extraction from 3 of the 4 extraction wells at an average rate of 460 gpm.
- Complete final design for conveyance pipeline and electrical to connect the 4th extraction well to the GWTS.
- Begin construction for pre-treatment sand filters at the GWTS.
- Treated effluent water is meeting drinking water standards and is being discharged to both the KAFB Golf Course and via gravity-fed injection at KAFB-7.
- Complete baseline sampling and begin Phase I of the In Situ Bioremediation Pilot Test. Note: Start of baseline testing delayed due to sample pump failure. The Air Force’s contractor continues to work with pump manufacturer to address pump failures.
July 2017
- Continue extraction from 3 of the 4 extraction wells at an average rate of 460 gpm.
- Complete final design for conveyance pipeline and electrical to connect the 4th extraction well to the GWTS.
- Treated effluent water is meeting drinking water standards and is being discharged to both the KAFB Golf Course and via gravity-fed injection at KAFB-7.
- Complete baseline sampling and begin Phase I of the In Situ Bioremediation Pilot Test. Note: Start of baseline testing delayed due to sample pump failure from corrosion and troubleshooting of a solution. Baseline sampling will wrap-up the first week of July.
- Air Force to submit Final Risk Assessment to NMED.
June 2017
- Continue extraction from 3 of the 4 extraction wells at an average rate of 460 gpm.
- Complete final design for conveyance pipeline and electrical to connect the 4th extraction well to the GWTS.
- Treated effluent water is meeting drinking water standards and is being discharged to both the KAFB Golf Course and via gravity-fed injection at KAFB-7.
- Begin baseline sampling and Phase I of the In Situ Bioremediation Pilot Test.
May 2017
- Begin extraction at KAFB-106233 following the completion of well rehabilitation and re-development activities.
- Continue extraction from 3 of the 4 extraction wells at an average rate of 430 gpm.
- Complete final design for conveyance pipeline and electrical to connect the 4th extraction well to the GWTS.
- Treated effluent water is meeting drinking water standards and is being discharged to both the KAFB Golf Course and via gravity-fed injection at KAFB-7.
- Complete construction of infrastructure for the In Situ Bioremediation Pilot Test and begin Phase 1.
April 2017
- Continue extraction from 2 of the 3 extraction wells at an average rate of 300 gpm.
- Complete well rehabilitation and re-development KAFB-106233.
- Continue design work for conveyance pipeline and electrical to connect the 4th extraction well to the GWTS.
- Treated effluent water is meeting drinking water standards and is being discharged to both the KAFB Golf Course and via gravity-fed injection at KAFB-7 under a temporary permission to discharge granted by the GWQB.
- Begin construction of infrastructure for the In Situ Bioremediation Pilot Test.
March 2017
- Continue extraction from 2 of the 3 extraction wells at an average rate of 300 gpm.
- Continue well rehabilitation and re-development KAFB-106233; anticipated duration of 5-6 weeks to complete.
- Continue design work for conveyance pipeline and electrical to connect the 4th extraction well to the GWTS.
- Treated effluent water is meeting drinking water standards and is being discharged to both the KAFB Golf Course and via gravity-fed injection at KAFB-7 under a temporary permission to discharge granted by the GWQB.
- Complete installation of remaining extraction well and begin drilling and installation of the injection well for the In Situ Bioremediation Pilot Test.
February 2017
- Continue extraction from 2 of the 3 extraction wells at an average rate of 300 gpm.
- Extraction well KAFB-106233 remains down for repairs and maintenance. The Air Force began work on well rehabilitation and re-development on Monday, February 27, 2017.
- Treated effluent water is meeting drinking water standards and is being discharged via gravity-fed injection at KAFB-7 under a temporary permission to discharge granted by the GWQB.
- Installation of the fourth extraction well, KAFB-106239, was completed.
- The Air Force submitted the RCRA Facility Investigation (RFI) Report to the NMED. The document is currently under review by the Department
January 2017
- Continued extraction from 2 of the 3 extraction wells at an average rate of 300 gpm.
- Extraction well KAFB-106233 remains down for repairs and maintenance. The USACE and Air Force are expected to submit a work plan for well rehabilitation and development in January 2017.
- Treated effluent water is meeting drinking water standards and is being discharged via gravity-fed injection at KAFB-7 under a temporary permission to discharge granted by the GWQB.
- Installation of the fourth extraction well, KAFB-106239, was completed.
- NMED and Air Force did a join presentation to the Water Quality Control Commission on January 10, 2017.
- Technical working group meetings will be held to discuss groundwater and vadose zone topics.
September / October 2016
- Continued extraction from 2 of the 3 extraction wells at an average rate of 300 gpm.
- Extraction well KAFB-106233 remains down for repairs and maintenance. The Air Force and their technical team have determined that the well requires re-development and rehabilitation in order to operate at the designed efficiency. The USACE and Air Force will be presenting data and a proposed plan for the well at the October 18, 2016 Hydrogeology Working Group meeting. A work plan will be submitted to the NMED for review and approval for the re-development and rehabilitation of KAFB-106233.
- Treated effluent water is meeting drinking water standards and is being discharged to the KAFB Golf Course.
- The injection pilot test continues to be on hold.
- Drilling of groundwater monitoring well KAFB-106235 began on 11 October 2016 and is expected to be completed by the end of October 2016. Once KAFB-106235 is complete, the rig will move to KAFB-106236 to begin drilling.
- The NMED and Air Force presented at the Water Law Conference on September 16, 2016.
July / August 2016
- Continued extraction from 2 of the 3 extraction wells at an average rate of 300 gpm.
- The pump was replaced at 106228 and variable flow devices were installed at 106228 and 106234 in July with both wells resuming full operation by the end of July.
- Extraction well 106233 is down due to maintenance. The Air Force and their technical team have determined that the well requires re-development and rehabilitation in order to operate at the designed efficiency. The plan for well redevelopment and rehabilitation is being finalized with the Air Force with field work anticipated to begin in late fall 2016.
- Treated effluent water is meeting drinking water standards and is being discharged to the KAFB Golf Course.
- The pilot test continues to be on hold.
June 2016
- Progress toward reducing the jet fuel plume at Kirtland Air Force Base is occurring thanks to the pump and treat system which has been operating since June 2015. The data, so far, demonstrate that the current extraction wells are creating a “cone of depression” which appears to encompass the northern half of the EDB plume. This is good news as it appears any further advancement of contamination towards the city’s drinking water wells is being thwarted. This is the first milestone towards collapsing and shrinking the plume.
- There is continued extraction and treatment from 1 of the 3 extraction wells at an average rate of 180 gpm. Two of the extraction wells are down for maintenance and repair. The first extraction well, 106228, will resume operation the first week of July, following replacement of the pump; the original pump was repaired under warranty. The second well, 106233, will likely resume operation later this Summer following additional troubleshooting.
- Treated effluent water is meeting drinking water standards and is being discharged to the KAFB Golf Course.
- The pilot test at the KAFB-7 injection well is on hold until all three extraction wells are operational. This is due to the need for meaningful data at the fully operational, combined pumping rate of 400 gpm. Additionally, the KAFB Golf Course needs water for irrigation in the hotter summer months, which is the full volume currently being generated.
May 2016
- There is continued extraction and treatment from 2 of the 3 extraction wells at an average of 300 gpm. One of the extraction wells is down for maintenance and repair and is anticipated to resume operation later this month. Treated effluent water is meeting drinking water standards and is discharged alternately to the KAFB Golf Course and KAFB-7 injection well, depending on golf course water demand.
- The pilot test at the KAFB-7 injection well is ongoing and monitoring data continues to be collected. Monitoring data collected to-date indicates that the well is performing better than anticipated.
April 2016
- Full-Scale EDB Treatment System: There is continued extraction and treatment from the 3 extraction wells at an average of 400gpm. Treated effluent water is meeting dringking water standards and is being discharged alternately to the KAFB Golf Course and KAFB-7 injection well as needed.
- KAFB-7 Injection Well: Various measurments & tests continue as treated water is discharged to KAFB-7 and injected into the aquifer. Testing completed so far indicates good performance of the well.
- Aquifer testing: The Air Force and its contractor will begin aquifer testing this summer, starting with two to three works of background data collection. The wells to be aquifer tested are KAFB-106228, -106233, and -106234.
March 2016
- 2016 Strategic Plan final document is now available.
- Full-Scale EDB Treatment System: The Air Force and its contractors is still working to complete system commissioning.
- Pilot test injection at KAFB-7: The Air Force began the pilot scale injection at KAFB-7 on February 23rd. KAFB 7 provides the capacity needed to discharge treated water from the three extraction wells. Data from this pilot test will also inform future injection.
- Aquifer testing: The Air Force and its contractor will begin aquifer testing this summer, starting with two to three works of background data collection. The wells to be aquifer tested are KAFB-106228, -106233, and -106234.
February 2016
- Full-Scale EDB Treatment System: The Air Force and its contractors will complete system shakedown and begin full, 24/7 operation.
- Pilot test injection at KAFB-7: The Air Force will begin pilot scale injection at KAFB-7 in mid-February in order to have the capacity needed to discharge treated groundwater from the three extraction wells. The pilot scale injection is being completed in concert with a USGS gravity survey that will allow for high accuracy monitoring of groundwater levels in response to injection.
- Aquifer testing: The Air Force and its contractor will begin aquifer testing, starting with two to three works of background data collection. The wells to be aquifer tested are KAFB-106228, -106233, and -106234.
January 2016
- Extraction Wells: Extraction wells KAFB-106233 (Gibson and California) and KAFB-106234 (Anderson and Georgia) are fully developed. Extracted water is being sent to the full-scale treatment system.
- Full-Scale EDB Treatment System: The treatment system was officially brought online December 31st, 2015 and is now recieving contaminated water from two of the three extraction wells. The third well will be fully operational in the coming weeks. Water treated using the new system has been tested and is meeting water quality standards.
December 2015
- NMED and USAF Sign Agreement to Reimburse State for Regulatory ActivitiesThe New Mexico Environment Department and U.S. Air Force have executed an agreement worth $750,000 to fund the continuing regulatory activities associated with clean-up of the jet fuel leak at Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque.
- Data Gap Wells: The four newest groundwater monitoring data gap wells are complete and have been sampled. Wells KAFB-106231 and KAFB-106232 (Kentucky and Kathryn) are both non-detect for EDB. KAFB-106230, the new intermediate well on Anderson and Georgia had EDB detected at a concentration of 0.08 micrograms per liter.Data from these new wells are continuing to help define the northern, leading edges of the plume. The expanding pump and treatment system is designed to keep the plume from expanding any further and to reduce it’s size.
- Extraction Wells: Extraction wells KAFB-106233 (Gibson and California) and KAFB-106234 (Anderson and Georgia) are fully developed. Extracted water is being sent to the full-scale treatment system. Some finishing work still continues on well KAFB-106233.
- Full-Scale EDB Treatment System: The treatment system was officially brought online December 31st, 2015 and is now recieving contaminated water from two of the 3 extraction wells. The third well will be operational in the coming weeks. Water treated using the new system has been tested and is meeting water quality standards.
- Temporary EDB Treatment System: The temporay treatment system was shut down in mid-December as the switch was made to the full-scale system.
November 2015
- Data Gap Wells: The four newest groundwater monitoring data gap wells are complete and have been sampled. Wells KAFB-106231 and KAFB-106232 (Kentucky and Kathryn) are both non-detect for EDB. KAFB-106230, the new intermediate well on Anderson and Georgia had EDB detected at a concentration of 0.08 micrograms per liter.Data from these new wells are continuing to help define the northern, leading edges of the plume. The expanding pump and treatment system is designed to keep the plume from expanding any further and to reduce it’s size.
- Extraction Wells: Extraction wells KAFB-106233 (Gibson and California) and KAFB-106234 (Anderson and Georgia) are fully developed. Work on water conveyance lines continues.
- Full-Scale EDB Treatment System: Construction continues on the building just south of the temporary treatment system at Zia Park on base. Construction of the influent pipeline from the two newest extraction wells (KAFB-106233 and KAFB-106234) began.
October 2015
- Temporary Treatment System: continues to operate at 100 gallons per minute.
- Data Gap Wells: KAFB-106231 at Katherine and Indiana complete; KAFB-106232 at same location in development. KAFB-106230 at Georgia and Anderson complete.
- Extraction Wells: development work and testing continues on both KAFB-106233 at California and Gibson and on KAFB-106234 at Anderson and Georgia.
- Full-Scale EDB Treatment System: work continues on the building just south of the temporary treatment system at Zia Park on base.
September 2015
- Data Gap Wells: KAFB-106231 at Katherine and Indiana complete; KAFB-106232 at same location in development. KAFB-106230 at Georgia and Anderson complete.
- Extraction Wells: work continues on KAFB-106233 at California and Gibson and on KAFB-106234 at Anderson and Georgia.
- Work continues on the full-scale EDB treatment system building just south of the temporary treatment system at Zia Park on base. Project photos on our Photo Page…
August 2015
- (Aug. 19) Work for the full-scale treatment building is continuing. This will replace the current temporary treatment system by the end of the year and expand the capacity for treating EDB contaminated water treated.
- (Aug. 13) Governor Susana Martinez, Air Force Secretary Debora James, and other officials gathered at Kirtland Air Force Base today to recognize the significant milestones achieved in protecting Albuquerque drinking water supplies from contaminants of the decades-old jet fuel spill. Speakers at the event commended the collaborative efforts of multiple federal, state, and local agencies to significantly advance the clean-up over the past 14 months.In attendance at the event were Governor Susana Martinez, U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich, D-NM; U.S. Rep Michelle Lujan-Grisham, D-NM; Secretary Deborah Lee James, USAF; Mayor Richard Berry, City of Albuquerque, NM; County Commissioner Maggie Hart-Stebbins, Bernalillo District 3; a representative from U.S. Senator Udall’s D-NM office; New Mexico Environment Department Secretary Ryan Flynn; and Col Eric Froelich, 377 ABW/CC.
- (Aug. 5) The next phase of drilling for the additional monitoring wells began August 5. Wells are being installed near Gibson and California as well as near Georgia and Anderson. We appreciate the patience and cooperation of all the residents in this area. Thank You!
July 2015
- The Rapid Response Action Work Plan to drill 4 additional groundwater monitoring wells and two additional EDB extraction wells, and to construct an infiltration gallery at the KAFB golf course, was approved on July 10. Drilling is scheduled to commence during the week of August 3.
- The pump-and-treat system has recovered and treated more than 1 million gallons of contaminated groundwater. Since the drinking water standard for EDB is set at 0.05 µg/L, and since the pump-and-treat system has removed more than 500,000 µg of EDB from the aquifer, approximately 2.6 million gallons of groundwater have been protected from potential EDB contamination.
- After the necessary shutdown period, pump testing for the extraction well began on July 27, and will provide valuable information on groundwater hydraulics.
- Aquifer performance testing of extraction well KAFB-106228, scheduled to commence on July 27, will provide valuable information on groundwater hydraulics.
- The well was shut down on July 6th in preparation for the aquifer performance test.
June 2015
- Drilling of 16 new groundwater monitoring wells was completed in early June. The analytical results from the new wells show that ethylene dibromide (EDB) in the shallow and intermediate zones is not migrating towards the Kirtland-3 and Ridgecrest-3 drinking water wells. The new monitoring wells are also defining the vertical extent of EDB contamination in the aquifer.
- The first extraction well designed to remove contaminated water and collapse the EDB plume was completed June 4th. So far, it has extracted more than 60,000 gallons of groundwater that will be treated and used for irrigation at the Kirtland Air Force Base (KAFB) golf course.
- Soil vapor rebound and bio-respiration testing began in April and will be completed in early July. Test results identified hotspots on base near the spill area that need further soil vapor extraction, as well as areas with significant microbiological activity that may be suitable for bio-venting that enhances biodegradation of the hydrocarbon contaminants.
- Laboratory treatability studies for the light, non-aqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) are complete. Options to scale up treatability studies to a pilot field test level are being evaluated.
February 2015
- NMED approves KAFB Pilot SVE Shutdown Test work Plan to address respiration and short-term testing on selected soil vapor monitoring wells. Data from the shutdown test will be used in the design of SVE expansion.
- Approval letter (February 25, 2015)
- Work Plan (Originally submitted Dec 31, 2014; revised Feb 10, 2015)
January 2015
- NMED issued a notice of Violation to KAFB for missed deadlines. The NOV cites dnew deliverable deadlines.
- NOV Letter (January 15, 2015).
- NMED approves KAFB proposal for installation of air-sparge wells to locate and remove LNAPL from jet fuel plume.
- NMED Approval letter (September 15, 2014)