Complete 20.5 NMAC and key laws currently in effect: Complete current NM Petroleum Storage Tank Regulations in one document
Separate sections of current NM Petroleum Storage Tank Regulations are available below (20.5.101 NMAC, 20.5.102 NMAC, etc.)
If any person requires further information, assistance, an interpreter or auxiliary aid to participate in this meeting or access documents, please contact Bonney Hughes as soon as possible at 505.372-8336 (Relay users please access the number via the New Mexico Relay Network) or
Si alguna persona necesita obtener más información, asistencia, un intérprete o un dispositivo auxiliar para participar en esta reunión o acceder a los documentos, comuníquese con Bonney Hughes lo antes posible llamando al 505.372-8336 (los usuarios de Relay pueden acceder al número a través de New Mexico Relay Network) o
- A qualified tester must perform the first test of your spill and overfill prevention equipment and interstitial monitoring containment sumps by July 24, 2021.
- Owners, operators, certified installers, junior installers, and testers must report leaks, releases, or spills (including failed tests) within 24 hours by contacting the Leak of the Week listed here: /petroleum_storage_tank/leaks-spills-and-incident-reports/ or by calling (505) 827-9329 outside of state business hours if it is an emergency. This requirement is in effect now and has been in effect for many years.
- Handy spreadsheet here to help you comply with testing-related regulations and deadlines that are fast approaching.
- Read and attend the presentation(s) above for the type of equipment you have to learn what else you need to do by the July deadline and more.
Important statutes (laws) related to Petroleum Storage Tanks in New Mexico:
After clicking, give time for the page to load. It should scroll to the right place if you wait.
Hazardous Waste Act (74-4 NMSA 1978)
Ground Water Protection Act (74-6B NMSA 1978)
The Petroleum Storage Tank Regulations, 20.5 NMAC (except part 123-formerly part 17), that were adopted by the Environmental Improvement Board on 5/25/2018 were published and are effective as of July 24, 2018.
- You may download and print your own copy of the revised regulations or any linked document below. They are in pdf format. If your computer asks you to choose a program to read the file, choose Adobe Acrobat
- Questions on the regulation changes may be emailed to and may be used for FAQs (frequently asked questions) on the PSTB website or elsewhere. Identifying information will be removed before the question is used.
If you’d like to be on our email list, please subscribe at /petroleum_storage_tank.
*SPANISH version of summary* Resumen de Los Principales Cambios en la Regulación de Tanques de Almacenamiento de Petróleo
Crosswalk of 20.5 NMAC (2012) and 20.5 NMAC (2018) Petroleum Storage Tank Regulations
Complete current NM Petroleum Storage Tank Regulations and key laws:
20.5.101 NMAC (formerly 20.5.1), General Provisions
20.5.102 NMAC (formerly 20.5.2), Registration of Tanks
20.5.103 NMAC (formerly 20.5.3), Annual Fee
20.5.104 NMAC (formerly 20.5.18), Operator Training
20.5.107 NMAC (formerly 20.5.5), General Operating Requirements for Underground Storage Tank Systems
20.5.108 NMAC (formerly 20.5.6), Release Detection for Underground Storage Tank Systems
20.5.111 NMAC (formerly 20.5.6), Release Detection for Above Ground Storage Tank Systems
20.5.112 NMAC (formerly 20.5.4), Above Ground Storage Tank Emergency Generator Systems
20.5.113 NMAC (formerly 20.5.4), Underground Storage Tank Emergency Generator Systems
20.5.115 NMAC (formerly 20.5.8), Out-of-Service Storage Tank Systems and Closure
20.5.116 NMAC (formerly 20.5.19), Delivery Prohibition
There was a publishing error in 20.5.117 NMAC below. Use the version of immediately below instead of the version of NMAC in 20.5.117 as published. Download both for the complete rule. The error will be corrected in a rulemaking. Watch this page for further information.**
Section 1755 of 20.5.117 – Corrected version
20.5.118 NMAC (formerly 20.5.7), Reporting and Investigation of Suspected and Confirmed Releases
20.5.121 NMAC (formerly 20.5.15), Corrective Action Fund Use and Expenditures
20.5.122 NMAC (formerly 20.5.16), Qualification of Persons Performing Corrective Action
20.5.123 NMAC (formerly 20.5.17), Corrective Action Fund Administration
20.5.124 NMAC (formerly 20.5.11), Lender Liability
20.5.125 NMAC (formerly 20.5.10), Administrative Review
The New Mexico State Records Center and Archives publishes the regulations on their website. The old version of the Petroleum Storage Tank regulations was repealed when the new version was adopted, so scroll past the repealed sections to find the current regulations:
See 20.5.123 NMAC (formerly 20.5.17), Corrective Action Fund, above, for the current Part 123 regulation.
Presentations on New Mexico’s Petroleum Storage Tank regulations
Outreach Presentation Overview
Part 114 Outreach Presentation
Part 115 Outreach Presentation
Part 118 Outreach Presentation
Part 119-122 Outreach Presentation
Part 123 Outreach Presentation
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