The New Mexico Wetlands Program protects and restores New Mexico’s remaining wetlands and riparian areas.
Planning, Restoration and Protection
The New Mexico Wetlands Program facilitates the development of comprehensive for wetlands restoration and protection in watersheds throughout New Mexico. Our program promotes wetland restoration as an integral part of watershed restoration and health.
Participation in the program requires at least 30 acres of new or restored wetlands in the watersheds. We are working toward increasing wetlands protection through monitoring and strengthening water quality standards that pertain to the State’s wetlands resources.
Education and Community Outreach
The New Mexico Wetlands Program encourages volunteer participation in on-the-ground wetland restoration projects, and helps obtain funding for projects we provide wetland/riparian education and outreach for schools and interest groups. We support the organization of local wetland-focused community efforts comprised of various organizations, tribal and cultural groups, private landowners, state and federal agency representatives, and other stakeholders.
Program Essentials
- Wetland Action Plans (WAP)
- Mapping and Exploring Southern New Mexico Wetlands
- Past Projects
- Rapid Assessment Methods
- Wetlands Program Plan (2021)
- Interactive Wetlands Map
- EPA Wetlands Page
- Wading into Wetlands of New Mexico Storymap
- SE NM Wetlands Storymap
- Technical Guides
- Outstanding National Resource Waters