The Surface Water Quality Bureau protects New Mexico’s watersheds through managing nonpoint source pollution and projects to address it. Funds are available annually through requests for proposals to support watershed-based planning and implementation of watershed-based plans. The Bureau also supports in-house activities for water quality protection, education and outreach, protection of groundwater, and interagency coordination.
The Wetlands Program is funded through the Clean Water Act for mapping, monitoring, restoration, and water quality standards development for wetlands in New Mexico. Project-specific funds are available for implementation of Wetlands Program components through requests for proposals.
River Stewardship Program projects are state-funded efforts to improve water quality and stream habitat. Eligible applicants for the River Stewardship Program include local agencies (including cities, counties, and Soil and Water Conservation Districts), for-profit and not-for-profit organizations, and Indian Nations, Pueblos, and Tribes.
Key documents-
- Current list of Section 319 and River Stewardship Program projects in New Mexico
- Nonpoint Source Management Plan
- Nonpoint Source annual reports
- Clearing the Waters newsletters
- Wildfire impacts on water quality
- Clean Water Act Section 404 and 401-Dredge and Fill Activities
- 2023 U.S. Forest Service and NMED Memorandum of Understanding