The Ground Water Quality Bureau protects New Mexico’s groundwater resources as mandated by the Water Quality Act and the New Mexico Ground and Surface Water Protection Regulations (20.6 NMAC) and identifies, investigates, and cleans up contaminated sites to protect human health and the environment.

The Ground Water Quality Bureau:

  • Issues groundwater discharge permits to prevent contamination of resources;
  • Implements the department’s responsibilities under the New Mexico Mining Act to ensure that environmental issues are addressed and standards are met;
  • Identifies, investigates, and remediates inactive hazardous waste sites through implementation of the federal Superfund program;
  • Implements the Voluntary Remediation Program and Brownfields Program;
  • Oversees groundwater investigations and clean-ups; and
  • Assists communities and the regulated community through a variety of programs, like the “water fairs“.

GWQB Regulated Sites of Public Interest

Please visit our sites of interest page to learn more about GWQB regulated sites with high public interest.

Contact us

Phone Number: 505-827-2900

A list of Bureau staff contacts is available here.

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