Finding Qualified Liquid Waste Professionals

The Environment Department maintains lists of qualified liquid waste professionals in New Mexico.

  • Licensed Installers: Any company that holds a valid and appropriate classification of contractor’s license (MM-1, MM-98, MS-1, MS-3) issued by the New Mexico construction industries division can install, modify or evaluate liquid waste systems.
  • Approved List of Installer Specialists: Licensed installers that can also complete unpermitted systems installed prior to 2/2/2002. They have taken a department class and exam as well as completing 16 hours of continuing education every 3 years.
  • Approved List of Septage Pumpers: Individuals that have completed a department-approved course covering the safe handling and disposal of septage. Required for all septage pumpers.

Qualifying to Install a Liquid Waste System at Your Home

Homeowners may qualify to install a liquid waste system after passing a homeowners installation exam Homeowners may qualify to install a conventional liquid waste system at their personal residence after passing a homeowners qualification exam administered at your local NMED Field Office. Study materials and the exam are provided in Spanish upon request.

  1. Complete an Application for Homeowner Qualification Certificate and Submit the application and applicable attachments to the local field office for review.
  2. If the review shows that the Application for Homeowner Qualification Certificate is complete, you may schedule an appointment to take the Qualified Homeowner exam with your local field office. You need a score of at least 75% to pass. After passing the exam, you will become a Qualified Homeowner. This qualification is valid for a twelve month period expiring on the anniversary month’s last day.
  3. Qualified Homeowners can then submit an application for Liquid Waste Permit or Registration to the local field office for review. After the application is approved, you will receive two invoices totaling $395, usually by e-mail. Remember you are paying for both the Application for Homeowner Qualification Certificate ($170) and the Application for Liquid Waste Permit or Registration ($225 for 1,000 gpd or less). Items 2 and 3 are sometimes done at the same time.
  4. After paying the fee, your Permit to construct will be issued, and you have one year to install the system after becoming a qualified homeowner.
  5. Your permit to construct may include conditions that require you to call for multiple inspections including, but not limited to:
    1. Prior to setting the tank (Is the tank bed on compacted or undisturbed soil? Is the tank bed level?)
    2. When setting the tank (Is the tank level. Is the tank in good working order without major defects? Is the tank inlet/outlet properly orientated?)
    3. prior to placing gravel or product in the disposal system. (Is the trench deep enough? Is the trench wide enough? If using chambers, did you account for the periscope – if required? Do you have enough slope?)
    4. Before placing the pipe in the trench (Is the gravel deep enough?)
    5. Before covering the system – Final inspection (required)
  6. All Homeowner installations require an NMED final inspection.
  7. Remember to schedule your inspection times with your local field office two or three days in advance.
  8. A qualified homeowner cannot install or modify an on-site liquid waste system serving a rental unit, or other property that is not their personal residence.
  9. A qualified homeowner may install no more than one liquid waste system during a twelve month period.
  10. A qualified homeowner who self-installs a system cannot compensate any person to perform any phase of the system construction, unless that person holds a valid and appropriate classification of contractor’s license (MS1, MS3, MM1, MM98) issued by the New Mexico construction industries division

Important Links for Qualified Homeowners

Requirements for qualification (Section NMAC)

  • A homeowner must become qualified to install an on-site liquid waste system by passing an exam administered by the department.
  • Homeowner training materials and opportunities for exams, by appointment, shall be available at all department field offices.
  • A qualified homeowner may apply for a permit to install or modify a conventional on-site liquid waste treatment and disposal system serving the qualified homeowner’s personal residence in accordance with Subsection C of NMAC.
  • A qualified homeowner shall not install or modify an on-site liquid waste system serving a rental unit, or other property that is not the qualified homeowner’s personal residence.
  • A homeowner qualification shall be valid for one year from the date of issuance of qualification; the department may extend the qualification beyond one year for good cause shown.
  • A qualified homeowner may install no more than one liquid waste system during a twelve month period.
  • A qualified homeowner who self-installs a system shall not compensate any person to perform any phase of the system construction, unless that person holds a valid and appropriate classification of contractor’s license issued by the New Mexico construction industries division.

Property Transfers

  • Properties with onsite liquid waste systems must be evaluated. Please click here to find out more about the property transfer process.



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