DWSRF Funding Quick Links
Pre-Application Form (accepted any time)
Base BIL Supplemental Priority List
Engineering Project Quick-Links
Construction Application & other Forms
More water infrastructure construction info below
Drinking Water Infrastructure Funding & BIL
NMED coordinates with the New Mexico Finance Authority (NMFA) to provide water infrastructure funding through the Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Fund (DWSRLF) program.
From 2022 – 2027 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) funds allocated to states for drinking water infrastructure will flow through the existing DWSRLF program to support eligible water system projects.

Program Federal Funding Sources:
Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) grants to states through the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA):
- DWSRF “Base” funds
- DWSRF “Supplemental” funds (BIL)
- Emerging Contaminant funds (BIL)
- Lead Service Line Replacement funds (BIL)
To learn more about funding available to comply with the Lead Service Line Inventory Requirements click here.
Supplemental funds will enhance the regular Base funds within the DWSRF Loan Program for eligible water infrastructure improvement projects. Emerging Contaminant and Lead Service Line Replacement funds will be available for projects specific to those special funding sources.
DWSRF Intended Use Plan and Project Priority List:
- FINAL & Current 2022-2023 Intended Use Plan with Project Priority List
- SFY25 Intended Use Plan (IUP)
- SFY25 Intended Use Plan (IUP) Limited English Proficiency
- SFY25 Public Involvement Plan (PIP)
- SFY24 Intended Use Plan (IUP) – Final (February 2024)
- SFY24 DWSRF IUP Public Involvement Plan (PIP)
- SFY23 Intended Use Plan (IUP) Amended BIL Lead Service Lines & Emerging Contaminants (May 2023)
- SFY23 Intended Use Plan (IUP) – Final (September 2022)
- SFY23 DWSRF IUP Public Involvement Plan (PIP) here
- SFY22 Intended Use Plan (IUP) here
Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Fund (DWSRLF) Program
Application & Funding Process:
START at NMED Drinking Water Bureau
- System submits pre-application form and all required documentation to determine eligibility and demonstrate technical, managerial, and financial capacity. Review required information here: DWSRF Pre-Application Checklist
- DWB reviews application materials for completeness.
- DWB scores project based on set criteria.
- DWB develops a quarterly Priority List based on project score and ranking.
- DWB publishes Priority List and sends to NMFA for review and funding approval.
FINISH at NM Finance Authority
- NMFA receives Priority List from DWB.
- NMFA will contact the applicants in Fundable status and invite them to submit a final loan application.
- NMFA determines financial status for debt capacity and potential subsidy amount.
- NMFA presents eligible applicants to the NMFA Board for approval.
- NMFA will work with applicants on drafting final documents to close the loan.
For assistance or questions on the DWSRF funding process contact: NMENV-dwbfunding@state.nm.us
More information on this and other funding opportunities including Clean Water State Revolving Fund for wastewater infrastructure is available on the NMED Funding Opportunities page under Drinking Water State Revolving Fund.
Engineering Review for Infrastructure Projects
The Drinking Water Bureau engineering program reviews all applications to modify an existing system or construct new systems to ensure projects will meet regulations and standards.
- All projects must submit an application with plans and specifications stamped by a New Mexico registered professional engineer. The application checklist can be used to ensure all required documentation is provided.
- Adding chlorination to a groundwater system? Submit the Documentation of Chlorine Inactivation application. Use the Hypochlorination checklist to ensure all required documentation is provided.
- Hauling potable water? Submit the Water Hauler Application and use the Water Hauler Checklist to ensure all required documentation is provided.
- Making a change to an approved project? Use the Change Order Notice to document the change.
- Ready to activate an approved project? Use the Notice of Project Completion Template to ensure all the required documentation is provided.
All the required forms are available on the NMED Forms page.
Project applications and supporting documentation must be emailed to NMENV-DWBPlanReview@state.nm.us.