Laboratory Certification Program
The NMED Drinking Water Bureau maintains the Laboratory Certification Program in New Mexico for laboratories that are capable of analyzing water for biological and/or chemical contaminants. The certification process follows U.S. Environmental Protection Agency standards. Certification applications are received and reviewed by staff at the NMED Drinking Water Bureau.
Public water systems must have water samples analyzed at water laboratories that are certified by the State of New Mexico.
Laboratory Certification Program
Funding for sampling
The Water Conservation Fund (WCF) established in 1993 as an incentive to conserve water within the state and a unique way to fund the costly sampling and analysis of contaminants that is required by the federal Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA). During its existence, the WCF has benefited hundreds of public water systems throughout the state by supporting their essential work to provide safe and reliable drinking water to New Mexicans.
This fund is supported by public water systems throughout New Mexico. Every person who operates a public water supply system in New Mexico must pay a Water Conservation Fee. The fee equals three cents ($0.03) per thousand gallons of water produced.
The water conservation fee must be paid to the New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department on or before the 25th day of the month following the month in which the water was produced.
Sample Collection Information
Public water systems must provide evidence of their water quality. This evidence comes from routine water samples collected and submitted for analysis and repeat water samples collected and submitted for analysis after evidence of unacceptable water quality has been discovered.
All systems are responsible for ensuring the monitoring and reporting requirements of 40 CFR 141 (National Primary Drinking Water Regulations) are met. Every system must have a certified operator or sampler collect all water quality samples for the distribution system. The Environment Department collects samples from the system water source.
Finding Water System Sampling Results
The NMED Drinking Water Bureau provides a public portal for the statewide public water system database, Drinking Water Watch.