This page contains public notification of activities conducted by Ground Water Quality Bureau programs. Please visit the Environment Department main page for other notices. Please visit the Civil Rights Policy page for more information on NMED’s initiatives to improve public participation.
Public Involvement Plans / Planes de Participación Pública (PIP):
The Bureau encourages the public to learn about and get involved in regulatory decision-making opportunities for facilities GWQB regulates. The purpose of the PIP is to provide public participation opportunities and information that may be needed to participate in GWQB regulatory activities. To view PIPs in your community, please visit the GWQB PIP Webpage
NMED welcomes your input on how we can best involve your community in agency decisions. Please see the Community Member Public Involvement Plan Input Form below to provide input to NMED.
Community Member Public Involvement Plan Input Form
NMED agradece su aporte sobre cómo podemos involucrar mejor a su comunidad en las decisiones de la agencia. Vea el Formulario de Aportación al Plan de Participación Pública para Miembros de la Comunidad que se encuentra más abajo para proporcionar información al NMED.
Formulario de Aportación al Plan de Participación Pública para Miembros de la Comunidad
Public notice requirements for groundwater discharge permits.
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Public Notice for Discharge Permit Applications (PN-1)
Public Notice for Draft Discharge Permits (PN-2)
Permitting Program Final Orders
Public Hearings / Audiencia Pública
The New Mexico Water Quality Control Commission (WQCC) will hold a virtual public hearing Tuesday, June 8, 2021, continuing subsequent days if necessary, via the WebEx video conferencing platform to consider the Administrative Compliance Order No. WQCC 21-04 (CO) (“ACO”) issued by the Ground Water Quality Bureau (“GWQB”) to Ms. Marisela Ornelas dba Vision Mobile Home Park LLC (“petitioner”). Vision Mobile Home Park is located at 1 Road 6367, Kirtland, NM 87417 (“Facility”). The Facility is a mobile home park discharging approximately 8,700 gallons per day of domestic wastewater. The ACO imposes upon the petitioner civil penalties for violations of 20.6.3104 NMAC, Failure to Discharge in a Manner Consistent with the Terms and Conditions of a Discharge Permit and NMAC, Failure to Submit Monitoring Reports Required by the Discharge Permit.
View the Notice of Public Hearing
La Comisión de Control de la Calidad del Agua de Nuevo México (“WQCC” por sus siglas en inglés) celebrará una audiencia pública virtual el martes 8 de junio de 2021, que continuará en los días siguientes si es necesario, a través de la plataforma de videoconferencia WebEx para considerar la Orden de Cumplimiento Administrativo Núm. WQCC 21-04 (CO) (“ACO” por sus siglas en inglés) emitida por la Oficina de Calidad de Aguas Subterráneas (“GWQB” por sus siglas en inglés) a la Sra. Marisela Ornelas que hace negocios como Vision Mobile Home Park LLC (“peticionaria”). Vision Mobile Home Park está ubicado en 1 Road 6367, Kirtland, NM 87417 (“Instalación”). La Instalación es un parque de casas móviles que descarga aproximadamente 8,700 galones por día de aguas residuales domésticas. La ACO impone a la peticionaria sanciones civiles por violaciones de 20.6.3104 NMAC, Incumplimiento de Descarga de Manera Consistente con los Términos y Condiciones del Permiso de Descarga y NMAC, Incumplimiento de la Presentación de Informes de Monitoreo Requeridos por el Permiso de Descarga.
Vea el aviso de audiencia público
Discharge Permit 1132, Radioactive Liquid Waste Treatment Facility
The New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) will hold a public hearing beginning at 9:00 a.m. on November 14, 2019, and continuing on as needed, at the Fuller Lodge, Pajarito Room, located at 2132 Central Avenue, in Los Alamos, New Mexico. The hearing will consider the proposed ground water discharge permit (Discharge Permit or DP-1132) prepared in response to a discharge plan submitted by the United States Department of Energy and Los Alamos National Security, LLC (DOE/LANS or Applicants). The decision of the Secretary of NMED was vacated by order of the Water Quality Control Commission (WQCC) in WQCC Case No. 18-05(A) and the case was remanded by the WQCC for a new hearing to be conducted by a new Hearing Officer. The remanded case has been docketed by the Hearing Clerk as GWB 19-24 (P). The Hearing Officer will provide opportunities for general oral statements or non-technical testimony from members of the public at the hearing.
View the Notice of Public Hearing
Supplemented Administrative Record Index, DP-1132
Administrative Record Bates No. 00001 – 00573
Administrative Record Bates No. 00574 – 01238
Administrative Record Bates No. 01239 – 02013
Administrative Record Bates No. 02014 – 02536
Administrative Record Bates No. 02537 – 03094
Administrative Record Bates No. 03095 – 03683
Administrative Record Bates No. 03684 – 04550
Administrative Record Bates No. 04551 – 05292
Administrative Record Bates No. 05294 – 06201
Administrative Record Bates No. 06202 – 07127
Administrative Record Bates No. 07128 – 08003
Administrative Record Bates No. 08004 – 08350
Administrative Record Bates No. 08464 – 09076
Administrative Record Bates No. 09196 – 09895
Administrative Record Bates No. 09896 – 10825
Administrative Record Bates No. 10825A – 11793
Administrative Record Bates No. 11794 – 12801
Administrative Record Bates No. 12802 – 13420
Administrative Record Bates No. 13426 – 13880
Administrative Record Bates No. 13881 – 14020
Administrative Record Bates No. 14021 – 14111
Administrative Record Bates No. 14112 – 14345
Administrative Record Bates No. 14346 – 14508
Administrative Record Bates No. 14509 – 14672
Administrative Record Bates No. 14673 – 14893
Administrative Record Bates No. 14894 – 15188
Administrative Record Bates No. 15189 – 15381
Administrative Record Bates No. 15382 – 15561
Administrative Record Bates No. 15562 – 15805
Administrative Record Bates No. 15806 – 16168
Administrative Record Bates No. 16169 – 17019
Administrative Record Bates No. 17020 – 17177
Permiso de descarga de aguas subterráneas 1132, La Instalación de Tratamiento de Residuos Líquidos Radioactivos
El Departamento de Medio Ambiente de Nuevo México (NMED, por sus siglas en inglés) celebrará una audiencia pública que comenzará a las 9:00 de la mañana del 14 de noviembre de 2019, y continuará según sea necesario, en Fuller Lodge, Sala Pajarito, ubicado en 2132 Central Avenue, Los Alamos, NM. La audiencia considerará el permiso de descarga a aguas subterráneas propuesto (Permiso de Descarga o DP-1132), preparado en respuesta a un plan de descarga presentado por el Departamento de Energía de Estados Unidos y Los Alamos National Security, LLC (DOE/LANS o Solicitantes). La decisión del Secretario de NMED fue anulada por orden de la Comisión de Control de la Calidad del Agua (WQCC, por sus siglas en inglés) en el caso Núm. 18-05(A) de la WQCC y el caso fue remitido por la WQCC para que se llevara a cabo una nueva audiencia con un nuevo Funcionario de Audiencias. El caso remitido ha sido registrado por el Secretario de Audiencias como GWB 19-24 (P). El Funcionario de Audiencias dará oportunidades a los asistentes del público para presentar declaraciones orales generales o testimonio que no sea de carácter técnico antes de la conclusión de la audiencia.
Vea el aviso de audiencia público
Public Notice for Discharge Permit Applications (PN-1)
Click here to subscribe to receive GWQB Permitting Public Notices by email
Notifications published on or before:
Public Notice for Draft Discharge Permits (PN-2)
Click here to subscribe to receive GWQB Permitting Public Notices by email
Notifications published in the local newspaper on:
Permitting Program Final Orders
Public Notice for Abatement Plans
NEWS RELEASE – June 16, 2021: Environment Department reviewing Stage 1 Abatement Plan to investigate groundwater contamination at D&D Mountain Air Cleaners in Espanola. A copy of the proposed Stage 1 Abatement Plan is available HERE.
NEWS RELEASE – March 15, 2021: Environment Department reviewing Stage 1 Abatement Plan to investigate groundwater contamination at Orchard Park Dairy in Dexter. A copy of the proposed Stage 1 Abatement Plan is available HERE.
NEWS RELEASE – August 10, 2020: Environment Department reviewing Stage 1 Abatement Plan to investigate groundwater contamination at Creekside Dairy in Artesia. A copy of the proposed Stage 1 Abatement Plan is available HERE.
NEWS RELEASE – February 11, 2020: Environment Department reviewing Stage 1 Abatement Plan to investigate groundwater contamination at Rockhill Dairy in Dexter. A copy of the proposed Stage 1 Abatement Plan is available HERE.
NEWS RELEASE – February 10, 2020: Environment Department reviewing Stage 1 Abatement Plan to investigate groundwater contamination from a former explosives manufacturer in Hobbs. A copy of the proposed Stage 1 Abatement Plan is available HERE.
NEWS RELEASE – December 19, 2019: Environment Department reviewing Stage 1 Abatement Plan to investigate groundwater contamination from pipeline spill in Anthony. A copy of the proposed Stage 1 Abatement Plan is available HERE.
NEWS RELEASE – December 19, 2019: Environment Department reviewing Stage 1 Abatement Plan to investigate groundwater contamination at former dairy facility. A copy of the proposed Stage 1 Abatement Plan is available here
COMUNICADO DE PRENSA – 19 de diciembre de 2019: El Departamento de Medio Ambiente revisa el Plan de Reducción de Etapa 1 para investigar la contaminación del agua subterránea en un antiguo instalación lechera. Una copia de la propuesta del plan de reducción de etapa 1 está disponible en aqui.
December 6, 2019: Former McCatharn Dairy Stage 2 Abatement Plan Public Notice / Noticia pública.
Stage 2 Abatement Plan may be viewed HERE.
October 21, 2019: Doña Ana Dairies Stage 2 Abatement Plan Modification Public Notice / Noticia pública .
Doña Ana Dairies has proposed to modify the existing Stage 2 Abatement Plan to remediate contaminated ground water in the southern plume of Doña Ana Dairies. A copy of the proposal for Stage 2 Abatement Plan Modification may be viewed HERE.
NEWS RELEASE – October 4, 2019
Environment Department reviewing Stage 1 Abatement Plan to investigate groundwater contamination at former RV Park. A copy of the proposed Stage 1 Abatement Plan is available HERE.
COMUNICADO DE PRENSA – 4 de octubre de 2019
El Departamento de Medio Ambiente revisa el Plan de Reducción de Etapa 1 para investigar la contaminación del agua subterránea en un antiguo parque de vehículos recreativos. Una copia de la propuesta del plan de reducción de etapa 1 está disponible en HERE.
NEWS RELEASE – August 29, 2019
Environment Department approves Stage 1 Abatement Plan to investigate groundwater contamination at former power generating station. A copy of the proposed Stage 1 Abatement Plan proposal is available HERE.
COMUNICADO DE PRENSA – 29 de agosto de 2019
El Departamento de Medio Ambiente aprueba la Etapa 1 de un Plan de Mitigación para investigar la contaminación de las aguas subterráneas en la antigua estación generadora de energía. Una copia de la propuesta del plan de reducción de etapa 1 está disponible en HERE.
NEWS RELEASE – August 7, 2019
Environment Department reviewing Stage 1 Abatement Plan to investigate groundwater contamination at Phillips 66 Albuquerque Products Terminal, a bulk fuel storage and distribution facility. A copy of the proposed Stage 1 Abatement Plan is available HERE.
The Stage 2 Abatement Plan (Revision 1) is available HERE.
COMUNICADO DE PRENSA – 7 de agosto de 2019
El Departamento de Medio Ambiente revisa la Etapa 1 del Plan de Remediación para investigar la contaminación del agua subterránea en la instalacion de combustible a granel. Una copia de la propuesta del plan de reducción de etapa 1 está disponible en HERE.
Public Notice for Voluntary Remediation Program
Gallup Skate Park – Notice of Proposed Voluntary Remediation
NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to NMAC that a Voluntary Remediation Agreement has been proposed between City of Gallup and the New Mexico Environment Department for a property located at 321 East Historic Highway 66, Gallup. NMED will allow until June 21, 2021 to receive written comments.
Conforme a NMAC, por el presente se NOTIFICIA que se ha propuesto un Acuerdo de Remediación Voluntaria entre City of Gallup y el Departamento del Medio Ambiente de Nuevo México para una propiedad ubicada en 321 East Historic Highway 66, Gallup. Antes de la aprobación de este Acuerdo de Remediación Voluntaria, el NMED dará plazo hasta el 21 de junio de 2021 para la presentación de comentarios escritos.
Public Meetings
No meetings currently scheduled
Public Notice for Superfund Oversight Section
Griggs and Walnut Ground Water Plume
- Griggs and Walnut Ground Water Plume Superfund Site Second Five Year Review
- Sitio Del Superfondo de la Pluma de Agua Subterranea de Griggs-Walnut Revisión de cinco años
South Valley
- South Valley Superfund Site Public Notice – Summary of Sixth Five-Year Review Findings
- Sitio del Superfondo de South Valley Aviso Público – Resumen de Las Conclusiones del Sexto Examen Quinquenal
North Railroad Avenue Plume
- North Railroad Avenue Plume Superfund Site Five Year Review
- Sitio del Superfondo de la Pluma de North Railroad Avenue Revisión de cinco años