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KAFB Bulk Fuels Facility – Jet Fuel Plume Remediation

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GAC tanksFull-scale groundwater treatment system GAC tanks go online
(Dec. 31, 2015)
 full scale treatment systemFull-scale groundwater treatment system goes online
(Dec. 31, 2015)
installing well vaultInstallation of well vault at new extraction well site
(Dec. 17, 2015)
 wire pull to well vaultSetting control wire at well vault  (Dec. 27, 2015)
well 7 rehabRehab of KAFB well 7 for treated water aquifer injection  (Nov. 13, 2015) pipe pullCrew pulling pipe along Eastern to connect new extraction wells to treatment system  (Dec. 10, 2015)
welding pipe supports East side building
Installing pipe supports inside Full-Scale treatment building (Nov. 2, 2015) Finishing construction on Full-Scale treatment building
(Nov. 5, 2015)
masnry walls at full scale treatment facility walls at full scale treatment building
GAC filter tanks installed at full-scale treatment system
site (Oct. 12, 2015)
 Walls at full-scale treatment building  (Oct. 13, 2015)
well drilling in mud mode well driller inserting bit into well
Well KAFB-106234 at Anderson Ave and Georgia Ave – drilling in mud mode (Sep. 8, 2015) Well driller inserting bit into well KAFB-106234 at Anderson Ave and Georgia Ave  (Sep. 3, 2015)
well rig set up on Kathryn Ave directional drilling machine
Drill rig set up for well KAFB-106231 on Kathryn
(Aug. 31, 2015)
 Directional drilling machine being used to drill under roadway  (Sep. 2015)
building pad carbon filters
Constructing pad for full-scale EDB treatmet system building  (Aug. 2015) Carbon filter tanks to be installed at full-scale EDB treatment system building  (Aug. 2015)
trench for ductbank electrical trench
Pouring conctrete for ductbank  (Aug. 2015) Electrical trench for EDB treatement system building
(Aug. 2015)
1st EDB extraction well vault flipping the switch at EDB treatment
1st extraction well vault before cover is installed (June 30, 2015) Turning on the temporary EDB treatment system
(June 30, 2015)
KAFB golf course pond  
Pond at KAFB golf course where treated water is discharged
(June 30, 2015)

Project Videos / Models

Kirtland Air Force Base Former Bulk Fuels Facility Conceptual Site Model Animation

(Posted April 18, 2016)

Link to video on YouTube

Animation of EDB plume collapse:

A plume of ethylene dibromide (EDB) dissolved from jet fuel that leaked into Albuquerque’s groundwater from KAFB in the ’50’s and 60’s. This 10-year simulation shows how the EDB plume will be pulled back towards the drowned LNAPL area, reducing it’s size and it’s threat to drinking water wells in the Ridgecrest Well Field. Work to collapse the plume began in 2014. An extraction and treatment system became operational in  June 2015 and will continue operating until the plume is fully contained (beyond 10 years). This animation model was produced by the US Environmental Protection Agency, Region 6. (posted Feb 17, 2015)

Link to location on YouTube.

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1190 St. Francis Dr. Suite N4050
Santa Fe, NM 87505

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