KAFB Bulk Fuels Facility – Jet Fuel Plume Remediation

Regulatory Framework
The New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) is the primary regulatory entity overseeing the requirements of state and federal regulations as they pertain to the cleanup process of the Kirtland Air Force Base jet fuel plume remediation.
The NMED has regulatory authority to administer the federal Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) program and the RCRA hazardous waste program. The Hazardous Waste Bureau and the Groundwater Quality Bureau regulate project activities through permits related to these environmental regulatory programs.
In addition to the SWDA and RCRA, site characterization and remediation actions must comply with other applicable laws and regulations such as the NM Water Quality Control Commission (WQCC) Regulations, New Mexico Air Quality Standards, and Office of the State Engineer Regulations.
As such, permits are required from NMED, the Office of the State Engineer, and Albuquerque Environmental Health Department depending on the specific planned activity.
Regulatory documents submitted to the NMED by the Air Force are posted to the project websites and are available to the public. (See: Project Documents and HWB KAFB Permit pages )
Regulatory Process Overview Poster
Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA)
One of NMED’s SWDA responsibilities is to require that public water systems supply drinking water to consumers that complies with the EPA Primary (human health based) Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs).
Constituents found in the leaked jet fuel | Primary MCL* (µg/L) |
Ethylene dibromide (EDB) | 0.05 |
Benzene | 5 |
Toluene | 1,000 |
Ethylbenzene | 700 |
Xylenes (total) | 10,000 |
*EPA MCLs have been adopted by NMED as part of our regulatory authority.
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)
Site investigation and cleanup activities of the jet fuel leak at Kirtland AFB follows a specific regulatory process known as Corrective Action. This process is spelled out in state and federal regulations, as well as in provisions in Part 6 of the Kirtland AFB Hazardous Waste Treatment Facility Operating Permit (RCRA permit). The RCRA process will end when cleanup (corrective action complete) is achieved.
The Kirtland AFB RCRA permit provides for using interim measures in order to reduce or prevent migration of hazardous constituents that have, or may result in, an unacceptable human or environmental exposure while long-term corrective action remedies are being evaluated and implemented. Interim measures for the Kirtland AFB BFF leak site are focused on two areas: source area and groundwater. These measures are outlined in Strategy 2 and 3 of the 2016 Strategic Plan.
Site assessment and characterization activities are ongoing and, upon completion, RCRA Facilities Investigation (RFI) reports will be submitted to NMED. Data collected during the implementation of interim measures, including EDB plume collapse and source area treatment, will be incorporated into the RFI reports. A risk assessment will be part of the RFI. The RFI reports, after approval by NMED, will be used to support the Corrective Measures Evaluation (CME) and the selection of the final remedy or remedies.
Strategic Plan
The Strategic Plan is not an element required by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) process; we developed it as a reference and planning document. It is not an enforceable document under RCRA or any other regulatory authority. The strategies presented in the Strategic Plan are accomplished by the Air Force submitting regulatory documents for NMED approval.
Implementation of remediation strategies in the Strategic Plan are regulated through workplans, schedules, and other documents submitted by KAFB to NMED’s Hazardous Waste Bureau and Ground Water Quality Bureau.
These workplans, schedules, and other documents are enforceable and follow the regulatory processes outlined above and are available on this website.
Additional Information |
Acronyms and Glossary of Terms Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) – EPA Link RCRA Orientation Manual (PDF) NMED Hazardous Waste Bureau KAFB Permit Info Page & Document Archive |