The AQB ePermitting portal is an online application submittal process now available. Please refer to the Entering the Portal document to get started. Use the ePermitting Portal to electronically certify (“sign”) and submit your permitting action. All required information is either entered directly in the ePermitting Portal or uploaded as attachments.

Check out the NMED Events Calendar for AQB ePermitting Portal Workshops

Actions Accepted via the ePermitting Portal

  1. Notices of Intent (oil and gas facilities only)
  2. Applications for General Construction Permits for Oil and Gas Facilities (GCP-O&G)

Entering the PortalStep by step instructions to:
– create a SEP account,
– register for the ePermitting Portal,
– register for roles within the ePermitting Portal, and
– manage your E-signature if needed.
Equipment Reference ListTable of common oil and gas equipment explaining how they should be entered in the ePermitting Portal.
Payment Form and InstructionsForm that must accompany the check for the fee for each permitting action submitted via the ePermitting Portal. Online payments are not available at this time. Only this form and the check are sent via the mail.
GCP O&G Registration FormCertain information is entered directly in the ePermitting Portal and some is uploaded as required attachments. This form captures the rest of the information needed for the review.
Do not submit duplicate information in this form that is entered into the Portal or is a required attachment. You will be required to delete the duplicate information from this form and resubmit so the official copy of record is clear. Duplicated information complicates permit reviews.
Paper Form to Portal FormOverview for converting hard copy paper forms to the electronic forms to be used in the AQB ePermitting Portal.
NOI Abbreviated FormAbbreviated form that captures information needed for each NOI review that is not directly entered in the ePermitting Portal. It is required to be filled out and attached in the ePermitting Portal as part of online NOI submittals for oil and gas facilities. The form includes a change log that indicates the earliest version of the form still accepted.
ePermitting PortalGo to the AQB ePermitting Portal through the Secure Extranet Portal (SEP).
Recorded ePermitting Portal WorkshopsAll of the previous recorded workshops available for your reference. These are open forum virtual workshops with no specific topic to ask questions and receive help in real time from our experts.
Find the next AQB ePermitting Portal workshop on the NMED Calendar.


  • The initial Administrator will be approved by AQB staff. Each organization must have an Administrator.
  • All information you enter in the Portal is “live or Production” data for real facilities – no need to mail a paper application or CD!
  • Online payments are not available yet, and you must follow the Payment Instructions for your submittal to be received by the AQB and assigned for review.
  • Read the News section at the top of the home page in the Portal each time you log in so you are aware of known issues and the latest news.
  • See the “Required Attachments” page in the Portal for information on uploading supporting information and calculations.
  • Please use Chrome, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge. Internet Explorer is not supported. Very limited testing has been done using Safari.


  • Administrators control access by approving requests for people to be Preparers, Certifiers, or other Administrators for their organization in the User Access tab in the Portal.
  • Preparers fill out the online application and upload forms but cannot certify (“sign”) & send submittals to AQB.
  • Certifiers can certify (“sign”) & send submittals to AQB, in addition to filling out the online application.
  • The certification process is the same one used for AQB-Compliance Reporting (AQBCR) and the Air Emissions Inventory Reporting (AEIR) programs. The roles in the other programs will not transfer to the Portal.
  • Each individual user must have their own account. Multiple people using the same account is prohibited by the electronic subscriber agreement and it will cause problems in the Portal.

Need Help?

Use the “Request NMED Support” button within the program to ask for help with any issues or questions. Using that button is the fastest way to get help.

Please provide feedback through our ePermitting Portal Customer Feedback Survey

If you are not familiar with air quality permitting in New Mexico, we suggest a pre-application meeting with our staff prior to you putting effort into the application process. Use the Contact Us link to schedule a pre-application meeting.

Small Business Environmental Assistance Program

Air Quality Permitting Home Page

Air Quality Bureau contacts

Find a list of Air Quality Bureau contacts below:

Air Quality Bureau contacts

Ph: 505-476-4300

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