Some permitted sources must demonstrate compliance with air quality regulations by performing emissions testing and keeping records on air emissions. More information on these requirements and how to fulfill them is below.
Submitted hard copies of Title V Annual Compliance Certification reports and Semi-Annual Monitoring Reports must be accompanied by a CD or thumb drive containing a single PDF file with the same information as the hard copy, including signatures. Do not include any additional information on the CD or thumb drive. A CD or thumb drive is not required for subpart submittals (C-G in Section II of the Reporting Submittal Form).
Reporting emissions and other reports
- Asbestos webpage describes asbestos regulations and provides regulatory forms for asbestos.
- Air Quality Bureau Compliance Reporting (AQBCR) application is used for electronically submitting excess emissions and Routine Reports (RR) such as Annual Compliance Certifications, Semi-Annual Reports, NSPS, MACT, stacktest notifications and reports, and NMAC reports, as well as permit requirement reports and startup/shutdown notifications.
- Excess Emission Reporting (EER) provides details about how to electronically submit excess emissions.
- Reporting Submittal Form allows facilities to submit paper copies of reporting requirements. See Reporting Submittal Form Instructions for additional information. AQB requests that reports be submitted through AQBCR whenever possible; this form is not required for AQBCR submittals.
- Title V Report Certification Form is used for annual and semi-annual reporting requirements. See Annual report instructions and sample and Semi-annual report instructions and Sample for instructions.
- ACI Reporting Submittal Form is used to document compliance of Air Curtain Incinerators with regulatory requirements.
- Manage Electronic Signature provides instructions and electronic and paper alternatives to certify identity for NMED applications that require such certification.
Testing for compliance
- Universal test notification and report form
- Standard Operating Procedures for Sulfur Recovery Unit Performance Test
- Standard Operating Procedure for Periodic Monitoring of Portable Analyzers
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Air Emission Measurement Center
Excess Emissions Reports
- Excess Emissions Report, January 2025 provides an annual summary of excess emissions.
- Excess Emissions Report, December 2024 provides an annual summary of excess emissions.
- Excess Emissions Report, November 2024 provides an annual summary of excess emissions.
- Excess Emissions Report, October 2024 provides an annual summary of excess emissions.
- Excess Emissions Report, September 2024 provides a summary of excess emissions.
- Excess Emissions Report, August 2024 provides an annual summary of excess emissions.
- Excess Emissions Report, July 2024 provides an annual summary of excess emissions.
- Excess Emissions Report, June 2024 provides an annual summary of excess emissions.
- Excess Emissions Report, May 2024 provides an annual summary of excess emissions.
Civil Penalty Policy
The Air Quality Bureau has revised its Civil Penalty Policy, effective October 4, 2024. All settlements without an agreement in principle by that date will be subject to the penalties contained in the new policy. In addition to increased penalties for noncompliance, the Bureau has added a section on Administrative Compliance Costs and a new Appendix C regarding audits, which will now require a written agreement prior to the audit. Audits may be for existing facilities or newly acquired facilities.
- Civil Penalty Policy effective October 4, 2024 describes the penalties that deter noncompliance with permits and regulations.
- Civil Penalty Policy (previous version) describes the penalties that deter noncompliance with permits and regulations.
- Existing facility audit agreement is the pre-audit form for existing facilities.
- New owner audit agreement is the pre-audit form for new facilities.
Ozone Precursor Rule Documentation and Instructions (20.2.50 NMAC)
The Ozone Precursor Rule (20.2.50 NMAC or “Part 50”) went into effect on August 5, 2022. The rule aims to greatly reduce harmful emissions annually from oil and gas operations in New Mexico. Part 50 outlines compliance obligations for new and existing oil and gas operations in New Mexico counties with high ozone levels. These counties are Chaves, Doña Ana, Eddy, Lea, Rio Arriba, Sandoval, San Juan, and Valencia counties. It is estimated that the rule will result in a reduction of 260 million pounds of oxides of nitrogen and volatile organic compounds, along with a co-benefit of reducing methane emissions by over 851 million pounds annually.
The Air Quality Bureau is committed to helping the regulated community comply with this new rule. To this end, Air Quality Bureau staff have begun holding workshops for industry aimed at helping sources in New Mexico comply with the new rule. Meeting materials can be found at the below links and will be updated periodically.
- Ozone Precursor Rule Frequently Asked Questions
- Ozone Precursor Rule Compliance Timelines
- Ozone Precursor Rule Compliance Guidelines
- A Guide to the Oil and Gas Air Emission Rule (Infographic)
- Ozone Precursor Rule AQB training slideshow (October 2022) (With presenter’s notes.)
- AQB C&E Training on Part 50 #1 is a discussion of oil and gas ozone applicability, general requirements, timelines, fugitive monitoring, and engines/turbines.
September 1, 2022 Industry Workshop:
- Ozone Precursor Rule Presentation Slides
- Ozone Precursor Rule Webinar presentation recording (1 hour 43 minutes) Password: 27vVgJgN
Ozone Precursor Rule Resources and Tools
- Ozone Precursor Rule Compliance Data Reporting Template. This Compliance Data Reporting template contains all of the information needed to include in annual reports. This is the format recommended by NMED and NMOGA for reporting. Please note, however, that this format is not required by the rule. It is provided for convenience, consistency and assurance that all necessary data will be included.
- Technology Options for Collecting Compliance Monitoring Information. This guidance document has been prepared to offer owners and operators of facilities subject to 20.2.50 NMAC a list of technology options deemed acceptable for time/date/location stamps for various monitoring activities required under the rule. The list is comprehensive but not exhaustive. Other technologies may also be acceptable as explained in the document.
- OGI-by-drone – Conditional Approval (Nov 21, 2024) and OGI-by-drone Conditional Approval (July 23, 2023): These memos describe conditions under which Optical Gas Imaging (OGI) monitoring for Part 50 is presumptively approved when drones carry the OGI camera. This presumptive approval, with conditions, means that an alternative monitoring plan is not required to satisfy the OGI monitoring requirements in the rule as long as the conditions are met, including adequate documentation.
- Part 50 Tank Signage Documentation Form is the suggested form to document the storage vessel measurement system used to determine the quantity of liquids in the storage vessel(s) and the associated signage at each vessel. This form is optional and other formats of reporting are also accepted.
- LongPath Alternative Monitoring Plan for 20.2.50 NMAC: LongPath Technologies submitted an application to allow its leak monitoring system to be used as a pre-approved alternative monitoring technology (pursuant to NMAC) at facilities subject to the Ozone Precursor Rule. This approval letter establishes that the LongPath Monitoring System is an allowable technology for complying with Part 50 leak detection monitoring, subject to the conditions in the approval letter and also subject to the requirements at NMAC (Alternative equipment leak monitoring plans). As the letter states, any company wishing to use this technology shall provide advance notice to NMED at least 15 days prior to conducting the first monitoring. This written notification shall be sent to: Compliance and Enforcement Section Chief, Air Quality Bureau (NMED), 525 Camino de los Marquez, Suite A, Santa Fe, NM 87505.