The Planning Section of the Air Quality Bureau develops strategies to protect and improve New Mexico’s air quality and engages in the following activities to protect or enhance the environment of New Mexico:
- Air dispersion modeling is a computer simulation conducted to ensure the amount of contaminants in the air meet the air quality standards.
- Diesel Emissions Reduction Act allows the Air Quality Bureau to provide funds for projects that reduce emissions from heavy-duty diesel-fueled vehicles.
- Emission inventories collect the amount of air pollutants from industry in the state.
- Four Corners Air Quality Group is a forum for individuals interested in air quality and climate to meet, learn about current conditions, review progress on mitigation of air quality impacts, and generally contribute to clean air in the Four Corners area.
- Ozone attainment initiative is a program designed to keep New Mexico in attainment of ozone air quality standards.
- Regional haze planning addresses reduced visibility in National Parks and Wilderness Areas.
- Regulation change proposals are reviewed and implemented to enhance the air quality.
- Small Business Environmental Assistance Program provides air quality permitting and compliance assistance to small businesses.
- Smoke Management Program coordinates and permits vegetation burning using the Smoke Management System.
- Volkswagen Settlement funding is available for diesel emission reduction projects throughout New Mexico.