The Emission Inventory Section collects and examines amounts of emissions from various sources in New Mexico to facilitate planning and modeling of these emissions.
Emission Inventory Submittal page describes requirements and instructions for submitting emission inventories. Resources for obtaining information from completed inventories are listed below.
- Air Permit Map (APMAP) is an interactive map that displays locations and other information about applications for permits that have been submitted.
- Air Quality Modeling page contains links to download surrounding sources for modeling.
- EPA’s Air Emissions Inventories page provides inventory data that has been reported to EPA and information about EPA’s emission inventory programs.
- New Mexico 2020 Oil and Gas Greenhouse Gas Inventory summarizes the results of the 2020 Greenhouse Gas Inventory.
- Title V Emissions Analysis Tool provides emissions inventory data to the public either as a downloadable csv file or on a map.
What is an emission inventory?
The New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) Air Quality Bureau (AQB) is required to conduct statewide emission inventories of criteria and hazardous air pollutants under 20.2.73 New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC) Notice of Intent and Emissions Inventory Requirements.
The NMED AQB does not have jurisdiction over facilities in Bernalillo County or on tribal lands; consequently, they are not included in the NMED AQB inventory. The NMED AQB submits the emission inventory electronically to EPA based on a schedule promulgated by EPA and contained in the Consolidated Emission Reporting Regulation (CERR). The EPA hosts the national emissions inventories where you can query specific regions, states and pollutants. The 2014 National Emissions Inventory data can be queried here.
Why conduct emissions inventories?
NMED conducts emission inventories in order to comply with state and federal regulations. The emission inventory is used to develop planning tools and conduct air dispersion modeling. This information is critical to measuring progress in reducing emissions and to provide input for air quality management projects, such as regional haze and non-attainment areas. The emission inventory is also used to track air quality trends, provide data for the air quality report, and correlate area, industry, and source growth to pollution.