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Previously Approved Water Quality Management Plans and Continuing Planning Processes

Document UpdatedBrief Description of ChangesApproved by WQCC Approved    by EPA
WQMP and CPPIncorporate changes and new developments that have occurred since the last revision in 2011

Update the antidegradation policy implementation procedure (Appendix A)

Incorporate the Wetland Program (Previously Section XV) into regulatory mandated portions of the WQMP/CPP primarily under the Nonpoint Source Management and Control (Section VII)

Update program descriptions and citations to referenced documents
WQMP and CPP Consolidated WQMP and CPP

Initially adopted the following new elements:
Developed Wetlands Program
Adopted Underground Injection Control (UIC) regulations
Created Water Cabinet for Water and Wastewater Infrastructure
Added Hydrology Protocol for determining water body type (ephemeral, intermittent, perennial)

Updated and revised:
References and citations
Program descriptions
WQS amendments
Completion of the TMDL settlement agreement requirements
Process for establishing TMDLs
Nonpoint Source Management Program
WQMP Updated the Antidegradation Policy Implementation Procedure (Appendix A)201004.11.2013
CPP Initially adopted Antidegradation Policy Implementation ProcedureDecember 2004
WQMPUpdated Introduction to provide background on how water quality is managed and Work Element 11 (Public Participation Program) (now Section XIV) to include outreach protocols and strategiesMay 2003
WQMP Restructured for comprehensiveness, accessibility, and usability

Reorganized to track current federal requirements

Removed outdated or non-applicable elements

Consolidated partial updates
CPP July 1998
WQMPUpdated Work Element 6 (Point Source Load Allocations)September 1989
WQMPUpdated Work Element 13 (Designation of Management Agencies)September 1988
WQMPUpdated Work Element 3 (Population Projections)April 1986
WQMPUpdated Work Elements 6 (Point Source Load Allocations) and 13 (Designation of Management Agencies)October 1985
WQMPInitially adopted Work Element 14 (Implementation Schedules)Updated Work Elements 4.1 (Irrigated Agriculture), 4.2 (Silviculture), 4.3 (Sediment Study), 13 (Designation of Management Agencies)August 1984
WQMPUpdated Work Element 4.1 (Irrigated Agriculture)September 1983
WQMPUpdated Work Element 6 (Point Source Load Allocations)May 1982
WQMPInitially adopted Work Element 13 (Designation of Management Agencies)Updated Work Element 3 (Population Projections)October 1980
WQMPUpdated Work Element 3 (Population Projections)October 1979
WQMPInitially adopted Work Elements 2.5 (Trout Hatcheries), 4.3 (Sediment Study) 8.0 (Industrial Waste Treatment System Needs: Toxic Substance Study) and 9.5 (Development of Statewide Groundwater Monitoring System)May 1979
WQMPInitially adopted1978
CPPInitially adopted1976

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