What We Do and How We Can Help
The Small Business Environmental Assistance Program (SBEAP) offers compliance assistance services to help small businesses navigate the air quality regulatory process throughout New Mexico. SBEAP can provide:
- Guidance on air quality regulations, permits, reporting, and recordkeeping requirements.
- Assistance with emission calculations for your facility.
- Answers to your questions.
- Qualifications for small businesses
- Small Business fee reductions
- Bernalillo County sources
Do I need a permit?
Not sure if you need a permit? Visit the Air Quality Bureau’s (AQB) Permitting webpage for more information on the various types of permits, thresholds for facility potential emission rates, applications, and links to permitting procedures and guidance.
Our services for specific small businesses
SBEAP can answer air quality questions and provide guidance for any small business. We typically provide owners of aggregate handling facilities, hot mix asphalt plants, and concrete batch plants more in-depth assistance in the following areas:
- Permit attachments and public notifications.
- Permit application review before submission to the AQB.
Permits, applications, instructions, public notice templates, and recordkeeping forms specifically related to each General Construction Permits (GCP) 2, 3, and 5 are found on the webpages listed below.
If your proposed facility does not meet the qualifications for a GCP-2, 3, or 5, air dispersion modeling (customized to your specific facility) may be required for a New Source Review (NSR) Construction Permit. Please visit the Air Quality Modeling webpage for specific details.
Small Business Qualifications
If your business meets ALL the criteria below, you qualify for our free assistance:
- Owned or operated by a person that employs 100 or fewer individuals,
- Not a major stationary source of air pollutants,
- Does not emit 50 tons or more per year of any regulated pollutant, and
- Emits less than 75 tons per year of all regulated pollutants.
Permit fees
Air quality permit fees vary depending on the type of permit and complexity of the facility. Information regarding permit fees can be found on AQB’s Permit Fees webpage.
Some small businesses may qualify for a reduced permit fee. If your company meets the emission thresholds stated above plus ALL criteria below, a 50% discount for initial, annual, and relocation permit fees may apply:
- Employs no more than ten (10) employees at any time during the calendar year. *(employees include part-time, temporary, or limited-service workers)
- Completes the Small Business Certification form and submits it to the Air Quality Bureau.
* If you own more than one business, or are part of a large parent company, all your employees must be counted to determine if you meet the 10-employee limit, regardless of which company is applying for the permit.(Any changes require that you inform the Air Quality Bureau).
Permit approval/denial
GCP-2, 3, and 5 Permits for aggregate, asphalt, and concrete batch plants are issued or denied within 30 days after the application is received in the Santa Fe Air Quality Bureau office. NSR Construction Permits can take up to 90 days to issue or deny after the application is ruled complete by AQB permitting staff.
If there is significant public interest in a business obtaining a permit, a public hearing or meeting may be held and could delay a permit decision.
Facility relocations
GCP-2, 3, and 5 permitted facilities, as well as certain other permitted facilities, are allowed to relocate (review your permit conditions). Please visit the Air Quality Permit Relocations webpage for more information and required forms.
Still have questions?
Contact Rosanne Sanchez at rosanne.sanchez@env.nm.gov for more information.
You are also welcome to make an appointment to visit us at our Albuquerque or Santa Fe office located at the NW corner of Horizon Blvd. and Alameda in Albuquerque or at the corner of Camino de los Marquez and Marquez Place in Santa Fe:
New Mexico Environment Department
Horizon I
8100 Horizon Blvd. NE
Suite 260
Albuquerque, NM 87113
525 Camino de los Marquez, Suite 1
Santa Fe, NM 87505
Business/facility in Albuquerque or Bernalillo County?
Businesses located within the City of Albuquerque and Bernalillo County should contact the City of Albuquerque’s Small Business Assistance Program at 505-768-1962.