The New Mexico Environment Department Smoke Management Program (SMP) ensures prescribed burns are carried out safely. Certain prescribed burns must be registered through the Department. The SMP Guidance Document and other resources listed below provide information and tools on when and how to register prescribed burns.
- NMED Smoke Management System is the web application used to register burns and find current burn information.
- Open Burning and Smoke Management page provides description of the regulations for burns of all sizes.
- Smoke Management Ventilation Category Tracking form is an Excel spreadsheet used to track ventilation categories.
- Smoke Management Visual Monitoring form is an Excel spreadsheet used to record visual smoke observations.
- SMP Frequently Asked Questions provides additional information about the prescribed burn program.
- SMP Guidance Document is the main source of guidance for the Smoke Management Program. Appendices are linked below.
- SMP Appendix A – Smoke Management Regulation (20.2.65 NMAC)
- SMP Appendix B – Open Burning Regulation (20.2.60 NMAC)
- SMP Appendix C –Alternatives to Burning
- SMP Appendix D – Emission Reduction Techniques
- SMP Appendix E – Evaluation of Smoke Dispersion
- SMP Appendix F – Air Quality Monitoring
- SMP Appendix G – Public Notification
- SMP Appendix H – Burn Authorization
- SMP Appendix I – Fire Activity Tracking
- SMP Appendix J – Emission Factors & Calculations
- SMP Appendix K – Guidance on How to Calculate Fuel Loading
- SMP Appendix L – SMP Administration
- SMP Appendix M – Regulatory Authority & Legislative Background
- SMP Appendix N – Stakeholder Process & Participants
- SMP Appendix O – Airshed and NAA Maps
- Wildfire and Prescribed Fire Smoke resources page provides monitoring, health, and smoke forecast information and links.
Ventilation Category Waivers
The Air Quality Bureau has issued the following statewide waiver for both pile and broadcast burning. The waiver include conditions that must be followed for those burns. See the following documents for additional information on this waiver.
- Guidelines for Granting Ventilation Category Waivers describes some reasons individual ventilation waivers may be granted.
- Individual Waiver Checklist describes the information to include in an individual waiver request.
- NM SMP Daily Waiver Reporting Form (Excel) is used to record and report smoke observations on days when either an individual waiver or Statewide waiver are used.
- Statewide Ventilation Waiver (updated January 24, 2025) for Broadcast and Pile Burns provides conditions for burning in fair or poor ventilation conditions that have been approved in areas under NMED jurisdiction.
Contact the Smoke Management Program
Phone: (505) 476-4330
Toll-Free: (800) 224-7009, ext. 4330 (or ask for Smoke Management)
Fax: (505) 476-4375
Attention: Smoke Management Program
Air Quality Bureau
New Mexico Environment Department
525 Camino de los Marquez, Suite 1
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505