If you are unfamiliar with the New Mexico Air Quality permitting process, visit the Air Quality Permitting Home Page to familiarize yourself with our terminology, guide you to our regulations, and provide other helpful basic information to get you started.
Universal Application – New Facilities and Modifications
Use the Universal Application forms for all new facilities and modifications to existing facilities that do not have specialized forms, including:
- Minor source construction permit applications,
- Streamline permit applications,
- Technical revisions,
- Minor Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) and major PSD construction permit applications,
- Notices of intent for all facilities that are not oil and gas related,
- Title V operating permit applications, and
- Nonattainment permit applications.
This Universal Application (UA) is in four parts: UA1, UA2, UA3, UA4. UA1 (Facility Information), UA3 (the old ‘Attachments’), and UA4 (modeling report) are in Microsoft Word format. UA2 (the tables) is in Microsoft Excel format, which allows applicants to link their emission calculation spread sheets to the tables. A tab in the UA2 application form facilitates inclusion of emission calculations within the form.
When beginning the application process, facilities should always download and use the most current version of the UA. Facilities that have already begun filling out an out-of-date UA form may submit on that form. However, the Department may require submission of additional information required by later versions of the application form. New applications should use the most recently published form. The forms include a change log that indicates the earliest version of the form still accepted.
Follow the Public Notice Guidance when submitting construction permit applications and modifications.
Include the required Permit Fee with your application.
- UA1.doc Facility Information
- UA2.xls Tables
- UA3.doc Application Details
- UA4.doc Air Dispersion Modeling Report (updated January 3, 2024)
New applications should use the most recently published form. The forms include a change log that indicates the earliest version of the form still accepted.
The Compliance History Disclosure Form is required for all NSR and TV applications.
Air quality dispersion modeling is required to be submitted with the application for all 20.2.72, 20.2.74, and 20.2.79 NMAC permits, except streamline permits (under NMAC) and GCP permits (under NMAC). Modeling is not required for 20.2.73 NMAC Notices of Intent (NOI). Prior to submitting modeling, please review the air dispersion Modeling Guidelines to ensure compliance with modeling requirements. PSD permit applications may require pre-construction air monitoring before submittal of the application.
Administrative Permit Revisions
The Permitting Administrative Multi-Form (PAM) is designed to accommodate a variety of actions while reducing the amount of paperwork submitted to the Department. This form has subsections that are specific to the type of revision, amendment, or notification being requested. This format allows permit holders to fill out and print only the portions of the form that are relevant to their current request.
Need to update contact information only? Use the CommForm – Communication Updates for Air Quality Permits or Notices of Intent online form to notify us of address changes or changes in contact persons. Do not use the online form for actions included in the Permitting Administrative Multi-Form. Facility name changes should use the PAM form.
Substitutions and Relocations
If your facility specifically allows for equipment substitution, use the NSR Equipment Substitution Form (08/15/18) to notify the Department of the equipment substitution.
Relocations of certain facilities may be allowed by the permit.
If your permit has a condition titled ‘Short Term Engine Replacement’ use the Short Term Engine Replacement Excel Spreadsheet (4/25/11) to verify whether or not the replacement engine qualifies as a “replacement engine” under this condition.
If you are unfamiliar with air quality permitting in New Mexico, we suggest a pre-application meeting with our staff prior to you beginning the application process. The Permitting Procedures and Guidance page has additional information, including links for emission calculation information.