A Title V permit is required for sources that have a potential to emit more than 100 tons per year for criteria pollutants and for landfills greater than 2.5 million cubic meters (2.5 million-mg). In addition, any source that has the potential to emit greater than ten tons per year of a single Hazardous Air Pollutant (HAP) or 25 tons per year of any combination of HAPs are required to obtain a Title V permit. Except for certain “grand fathered” sources, Title V sources must also have a Construction Permit prior to constructing or modifying the source. For first time Title V applications, the source is required to submit a Title V application within twelve (12) months after the source commences operation as a Title V source. Applicants should use the Universal Application Form when submitting an application for a Title V permit, using Guidelines for Title V Renewal Applications revised 4/4/2014
Other important forms and resources are available below.
- List of Insignificant Activities revised 03/04/2005
- List of Trivial Activities revised 09/15/2008
- Election Form (Complete form to implement provisions of & 304.B(4) NMAC. Contravened permit conditions must be identified in bottom box of form.)
- Visit the Compliance and Enforcement page for the Title V Compliance Certification form.
Acid Rain Forms and Instructions
- Acid Rain Permit Instructions and Application revised 9/16/2015
- Acid Rain New Unit Exemption Instructions & Application
Landfill Forms
- Design Capacity Report Form
- NMOC Emission Rate Report Form
- Landfill Closure Report Form
- Control Equipment Removal Form
Compliance Testing SOP & Protocols:
Air Curtain Incinerators Forms and Instructions
- ACI Permitting Guidance
- ACI GP Application
- Visit the Compliance and Enforcement page for the ACI Reporting Submittal Form.
Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engine (RICE) MACT
- Information on RICE MACT (EPA website)
- EPA Transmittal Application form revised 10/2/2012
If you are not familiar with air quality permitting in New Mexico, we suggest a pre-application meeting with our staff prior to you putting effort into the application process. Use the Contact Us link to schedule a pre-application meeting.